Demands for referendum on self-determination in East Kurdistan
Monday, 10 September 2012
NEWSDESK, -- A group of Kurdish academics, artists, journalists and civil activists have declared in a statement that they demand a referendum to be implemented in East Kurdistan to decide the future administration of Kurdish people in this part of Kurdistan.
In response to the antagonistic statement of the Iranian opposition group against the agreement reached by two Kurdish political parties to launch a unified front, a number of Kurdish academics, journalists and activists demand a referendum to be conducted in East Kurdistan on self-determination of the Kurds.
The full statement as translated by Rojhelat reads as follow:
Declaration of a number of libertarian and civil activists in East Kurdistan
For the last few days since the signing of an agreement between the two Kurdish political parties of East Kurdistan (Democrat Party of Iranian Kurdistan and the Iranian Kurdistan Komele) the Iranian chauvinism has once again pointed its focal attacks on Kurdistan.
Although this agreement embodies a tiny amount of the legitimate national demands of the Kurdish nation, nevertheless it has been the subject of attacks by the Iranian authoritarian opposition. This fact exhibits the concord between this pretentious opposition and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the suppression of the legitimate rights of the Kurdish nation.
Such a scale of hostility toward an agreement which represents a minimal level of aspiration of the Kurdish nation, displays fears of the Iranian authoritarian opposition from the unity and coherence of Kurdish political parties and circles.
Hereby we the signatories of this declaration urge all Kurdistan’s parties to launch wider and stronger fronts while we are manifesting our backings for any kinds of unity and cooperation among the political parties of East Kurdistan in the struggle to realise the legitimate rights of Kurdish nation.
The antagonistic positioning of pan-Iranist spanning the rights, the lefts and communists as well as the Islamists to the [aforementioned] agreement demonstrates that hostility toward the Kurdish nation and the suppression of liberation movements of this resilient people comes at the top of these circles’ agendas. When it comes to the rights of the Kurdish nation, they would all set aside their previous disagreements and the suppression of the legitimate struggles of Kurdish nation becomes their joint and sanctified goal—whose pretext is the preservation of Iranian territorial integrity.
Therefore we have reached a conclusion that maintenance of life within the framework of Iranian borders has become impossible for the Kurdish nation, owing to the fact that the Kurdish nation has been subjected to threats from both the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as its opposition. This would mean that after the downfall of the Islamic Republic of Iran, a new cycle of suppression of the Kurdish nation by the current opposition—the Iran’s potential rulers— would break out.
Consequently, we the signatories of this declaration stress on the rights of the Kurds to self-determination and of the Kurds’ power to determine their destiny. To avoid the repetition of catastrophes that have plagued Kurdistan for the last eighty years, we call for a referendum to be implemented in Kurdistan under the supervision of the international institutions and the humanitarian foundations, in order to decide Kurdistan’s future political administration.
Long live Liberation Movement of Kurdish Nation
A group of Kurdistan’s libertarian and civil activists, 08/09/2012
Dr. Awat Sarej, political activist, Kurdistan
Dr. Awat Eliyar, political activist, United States
Dr. Hiwa Penayi, university lecturer, Greece
Dr. Reshid Kirmanc, university lecturer, Kurdistan
Rebwar Siyuili, university lecturer and author, Kurdistan
Namo Rostemzade, artist and university lecturer, Kurdistan
Resul Teymuri, university lecturer, Turkey
Ebdulla Sohrabi. Meriwan former deputy to the Iranian Parliament, Iran
Ehmed Sherbegi, political activist, Switzerland
Celil Azadixah. Author and journalist, Sweden
Aref Nadiri, political activist and journalist, Norway
Solin Hacadur, author and women activist, Norway
Mesud Menaf, journalist, Sweden
Cemil Kolahi, journalist, Norway
Cemal Neccari, journalist, France
Cewad Heyderi, journalist, Kurdistan
Resul Sultani poet and translator, Kurdistan
Efrasiyab GErami, journalist, Germany
Dilshad Cemshidi, journalist, Finland
Hawar Baziyan, journalist, Sweden
Surkiyu Zeki, author and civil activist, Sweden
Mesud Fethi, journalist, Kurdistan
Mehmud Sherifi, journalist, Kurdistan
Ayaz Siyawshan, author, Norway
Chiya Eliyar, journalist, Sweden
Azad Kurdi, journalist, Belgium
Ibrahim Cehangir, journalist, Canada
Celal Hanisi, poet and author, Kurdistan
Semira Hoshiyran, labour activist, Canada
Kawis Ezizi, political activist, Denmark
Cemal Purkerim, journalist, France
Shiler Derweshi, journalist, France
Aso Piroti, journalist, Austria
Hesen Shefii, political activist, Canada
Eli Nikrusht, civil activist, Belgium
Cehangir Fethullahi, student activist and member of Kurdish Human Right Organisation, Germany
Artin Hemdi, political activist, Norway
Dilan Seydi, author and political activist, Sweden
Ferhad Sulemanpur, teacher, Kurdistan
Mihemed Cemshidi, journalist, Kurdistan
Mihemed Reshidi, political activist, Norway
Reshid Zerwawi, political activist, Germany
Keyhan Yosofi, secretary of Iranian Kurdistan Democrat Students, Kurdistan
Kemal Shemami, political activist, France
Eli Chemenguli, political activist, Norway
Aram Mihemediyan, political activist, Finland
Gulale Kemangir, author and critic, Norway
Hesen Salihzade, civil activist, France
Peri Reshidiyan, political activist, Norway
Erselan Yarehmedi, political activist, Kurdistan
Salar Xalediyan, cultural activist, Iran
Susen Mihemedxani, reporter, France
Kerim Haci Resuli, political activist, Sweden
Hiwa Behrami, political activist, Austria
Seed Senendeci, political activist, Sweden
Herish Nasri, journalist, Sweden
Chiya Ebdullapur, lawyer, Finland
Kamran Qazi, political independent activist, Sweden
Seed Rizwendi, translator and former student activist, England
Eziz Kerimi, political activist, Germany
Nahid Mukri, women activist, Sweden
Semir purandixt, women right activist, Kurdistan
Komar Reshi, political activist, Kurdistan
Husen Ehmedpur, journalist, Kurdistan
Sohrab Kerimi, student activist, Kurdistan
Fereydun Biwar, journalist, Kurdistan
Umid Mustefapur, member of Democrat Party and student activist, Kurdistan
Wehid Hebibpena, human rights activist, Sweden
Erfan Rehnemun, political activist, Norway
Celal Eshrefzade, student and political activist, Norway
Kejal Direxshani, political activist, Norway
Soran Kerbaschiyan researcher and historian, Norway
Cemshid Behrami, author and film director
Ednan Henrur, translator and journalist, Germany
Mihemed Firuten, political activist, Holland
Rizgar Hebibzade, political activist, Norway
Fethi Mirzaiyan, political activist, England
Selah Armash, civil activist, Sweden
Saman Hesenxali, cultural activist, Iran
Ferhad Ekberi, author and translator, Kurdistan
Nahid Dehban, specialist in hair and skin and political activist, Sweden
Ariya Huseni, student activist, Germany
Hiwa Azeri, political activist, Kurdistan
Rehman Dartash, political activist, Kurdistan
Hilho Canali, secretary of Kurdistan Hilho Website, Norway
Hiwa Xoshheykel, specialist in political science, Norway
Fazel Sultanpena, political activist, Finland
Serkut Behrami, political activist, Norway
Kerim Fexirpur, political activist, Finland
Hesen Sultanpena, political activist, Norway
Bextiyar Sultanpena, political activist, Norway
Fershad Dolabi, political activist, Italy
Ibrahim Muradpur, political activist, Norway
Hiwa Ema Cume (Shahrox), political activist, Norway
Serkut Behrami, political activist, Norway
Umid Selimi, political activist, Norway
Sehra Sehrai, political activist, Switzerland
Selam Ismailpur, political activist, Kurdistan
Sabir Fethi, political activist, Kurdistan
Hejar Kirmashani, political activist, Sweden
Hedayet Nesiriyan, political activist, Kurdistan
Musa Babaxani (Kirmashani), political activist, Kurdistan
Rehim Girgoli, political activist, Kurdistan
Reza Emini, political activist, Kurdistan
Rehman Emiri, student activist, Kurdistan
Aram Ibrahimxales, political activist, Kurdistan
Kamil Neccari, architect engineer, Kurdistan
Amer Goli, journalist, Kurdistan
Bijen Gubadi, political activist, Kurdistan
Irec Mihemedi, poet, Kurdistan
Shaho Huseni, journalist, Turkey
Kawe Sultanpena, political activist, Norway
Nizar Kwestani, poet and author, Finaln
Sasan Emcedi, journalist, Switzerland
Truske Sadeqi, poet, Kurdistan
Jiwar Resuli, journalist, Kurdsitan
Aso Xebat, poet, Kurdistan
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